
Showing posts from May, 2023

Reasons: Why is recycling essential in today's world?

In this age of plastic, numerous challenges are vital in front of humanity. Plastic pollution, waste management, microplastic contamination, health impacts, and plastic industry transition are some of them threatening humankind. However, every problem comes with a solution we only have to find it out, in the case of plastic pollution there are many solutions available and the one we all should emphasize is recycling, due to its contribution to the circular economy. Currently, several efforts are being done by the industries like bag made from billboard etc. Keeping that in mind, in this article I am going to discuss the importance and contribution of recycling in today’s world. It helps in the conservation of resources, reduction of waste, protection of the environment, energy saving, greenhouse gas reduction, water conservation, land preservation, air pollution reduction, wildlife protection, and eventually promotion of a circular economy. Let’s dive deeper into the facts and embark ...